Wednesday 29 February 2012

What is the 21st Century?

The start of the year 2001 bought on the 21st century. The world is diverse, globalised and very complex.  The 21st century has come with many problems such as poverty, global warming, sickness and shortages.  
The 21st Century bought about a technological revolution. The technological revolution allows for numerous possibilities, new discoveries, easy communication and exploration like never before. Things that were never thought of possible are becoming possible at a very hasty pace (21st Century School, 2010).

Answered by Hailey


  1. Yes I also think that the 21st Century is a world run by the media and the pace of our lives are dependent on how fast my computer can work.
    The 21st century strives to solve the problems that we have created by questioning the world around us and that creates a new paradigm in itself.

  2. I do agree with you that problems arise because of the 21st Century. This is why we need to develop 21st Century skills to be able to manage and succeed. It is also my opinion that it necessary to have problems in order to develop as an individual. Another factor which can be seen as an advantage is that if we did not have these technological advances how would you be able to communicate with people on the other side of the world. Be serious for a second who can really put their blackberry down and say I will write a letter and within seconds my friend, fiancé, boyfriend, girlfriend etc. will receive it. Jobs are being created, learners are forced to get an education otherwise they will be left behind. Yes there are problems but much more advantages.

  3. Yes I do agree that there are advantages, but do you think that children are better off today with the information driven society than they were 50 years ago?

    1. In a way I think that the youth of today are better off, but on the other hand they have all this information readily available to them but they do not use it. They are more focused on tweeting and facebooking and keeping in touch with their friends.

      Tintswalo Mkansi

    2. I agree with Tintswalo, I have found that because today's youth have all the information at their fingertips, they lack the ability to critically approach problems. It is as if they feel that if they can just 'Google' the answer, why figure it out myself?

    3. Yolandi Poolman17 March 2012 at 13:13

      I agree with Annette. Today's youth have become lazy and entitled and feel that everything should come to them as easily as googling! I also feel that parents and teachers should try to control what the youth is exposed to.Even though it is not always possible to control what our children are doing, we should try to establish bounadries where we can!

  4. Children are becoming lazy everything is at their fingertips, there is no longer a need to go to a library or play games with friends. Technolgy is also very dangerous for the youth they are exposed to things that are very age inapropriate, such as sex and violence, turning the youth into monaters, they are too clever for there own good
    Hailey Purdon

  5. Love the educational quotes!!! They are very true :)
    What do you think (which new technological achievements) will the next century hold for us?
    Personally if they can develop a system like the matrix I would not complain

    Adri Boshoff u04353781

  6. 21st century education is useful in keeping up with new developments and requirements.However,not every one has access to technology or has knowledge on how it is useful

  7. I agree with Lenah! Not everyone has access to technology or they dont know how to use it, that can be problematic!
    PS Love the education quotes!

  8. I agree, but I also feel that with all the possibilities that came with the 21st century, there also came a greater chance of exploitation of less privileged societies. (Louis Knoetze 28518820)

  9. Who knows what could be install for us in the next century, it could get as technical and advanced as having robots carring out everything for us or it could start coming to a slow down and no real advancement will be prominent.

    Hailey Purdon
