Wednesday 29 February 2012

How should education be structured to meet the needs of students in the 21st Century world?

Less emphasis needs to be placed on the amount of material memorised, but focus more on making connections, thinking through problems and solving problems. Learning is now about dealing with change. The basis of education in the 21st century is learning how to learn (Rodgers, Runyon, Starret & Von Holzen, 2006:3).
Moving towards group activities, that has flexibility. Visual and kinaesthetic such as touch and feel is preferred over reading, writing and listening, this can be done with the use of new technologies. Because children live in world of technology such as television and computers they expect to learn in that way as well. Children are not interested in just learning things for the sake of learning, they want to learn things for a reason, what they learning must benefit their lives. Learners want to be able to participate in their learning and want to be able to reach their own conclusions (Rodgers,, 2006:2-3).
The classroom does not need to be the only place where learning takes place it can be done virtually as well. This could include online quizzes, online voting, online games, message boards and spaces for sharing and receiving information (Rodgers,, 2006:4).

Answered by Hailey


  1. Hi
    The blog makes good points on the importance of making the education system more relevant to the youth.

    You make good points about how to make the education of the youth more relevant, and on that note, i believe that one should keep in mind that certain things should be kept from the older education system, but they should be adapted in the way it is taught and asessed in order to make it more relevant!

    Michelle Borain

  2. Thank you for the comment
    Yes I agree with you that there should be certain things that are kept from the old education system, but should not be so frustrating to the youth that they do not want to learn in the 'old' ways.

    Hailey Purdon
