Wednesday 29 February 2012

What is the purpose of Education?

Different people have different views on what the purpose of education is, I’m going to provide definition of what we think it is, the purpose of education is to provide opportunities for all children to meet their fullest potential (Barbara Bray, 2011).

The purpose of education has changed and evolved over time; in the beginning which is referred to as education 1.0 it was stated that education is like life itself, it was primarily about survival. Education was seen as passing on skills and knowledge to their children so the individual would survive and the species thrive. Education 1.0 was relevant because it equipped children with the knowledge and skills needed to live another day. The goal of education was clear and unambiguous. Then as time went by education 2.0 was introduced which said that, somewhere along the line, education became formalised and was entrusted to professionals. The focus moved from survival of the individual to the accumulation of knowledge and skills, as well as developing literacy and the ability to effectively manipulate numbers. Education 2.0 brought the notion that education is synonymous with academics and was relevant for a time because it helped us build elaborate and successful societies. Recently, additional goals have been added to the purpose of education in the 21st century which include, helping students to: develop their individual talents and abilities, reach their potential, develop into happy responsible members of their community, understand and appreciate the interconnectedness of all people, respect for the environment,
and create and live a meaningful life (, 2011).

Answered by: Daniela

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